Best Buy: Brick-and-Mortar

In the past decade the online shopping market has taken the world economy by storm putting brick-and-mortar companies under pressure to stay competitive. Best Buy is an excellent example of a company that has stayed resilient throughout this trend showing the value of local retail stores. While Circuit City and individually owned electronic stores have fallen Best Buy in addition with Geek Squad has grown and innovated to provide competitive pricing, customer support, and convenient services. For those who pay attention to stocks Best Buy has not been stellar until 2013, now their shares continue to soar. This is a reflection  of their “Renew Blue Strategy” that has been implemented to control costs and improve the company’s operational structure. This is a positive direction for the company, but there are other benefits that shoppers should know about before deciding to buy their electronics online.

Online markets such as Amazon, Tiger’s direct, and Newegg are Best Buy’s largest competition, but many purchasers buy products that they are unsure about or unsatisfied with once they are shipped. This problem could of been avoided by having a short conversation  with a Best Buy associate. The employees are well-trained and can give insight, knowledge, hands-on-experience, and recommendations products that go much further than any online reviews. In addition to the employees prices of all of their competitors, including leading online retailers, can be matched in the store. Also within fifteen days of the purchase Best Buy will match sale prices and return or exchange products without a restocking fee. Customers need to consider the value brick and-mortar businesses like Best Buy offer before making any impulse purchases online.