3 Steps to Living a Healthier Lifestyle

Spring is here and the majority of individuals are looking to get in shape for the summer. There are billions of ways to exercise, diet, and live a healthier lifestyle, so how does one start? To lose weight, gain muscle, increase energy, and improve mood does not require harsh supplements, expensive equipment, or even a great deal of time. 3 simple changes of your daily activities can make a world of difference in becoming a happier, healthier person.

1) Go to bed earlier and wake up earlier. Having a healthy and consistent sleep pattern prepares the body for accomplishing more during the day. Eating breakfast or stretching in the morning can also boost metabolism resulting in more energy and more weight loss.

2) Eat smaller, more frequent, and nourishing meals throughout the day. Prepare ahead by setting a day once a week for grocery shopping keeping the selection new and fresh. Buy foods that will benefit your body, which does not require a strict diet. Simply adding more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats then taking out sweets, frozen foods, soda, and fast food can do wonders for your body and overall health.

3) Exercise at least 3 times a week. Does not matter what level of exercise you are performing as long as you are moving around, you are making progress. Whether it’s walking, running, weight training, yoga, swimming, biking, dancing, or playing sports these activities will make you feel better and look better. With little to no cost in money or time there is no excuse for not taking the time to be active. Buying new athletic shoes, going with friends, or listening to music can definitely help with motivation.

These are 3 simple, yet powerful steps to not only get into shape, but to become more productive and feel better. I have provided some links that I have found to help generate ideas for implementing these steps.


